When I grow up.. I wannabe a Dr.

Five guys. Malaysians. Once medical students. Once stuck in a house in Summerstown Cork. NOW all Doctors, going separate ways. What will they be up to?? ish macam macam.....

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Sunday, November 30

the 75 residents, the guests & the uninvited

cakap-cakap ilman aiman

before u get all emotional & counter me with an immediate attack, hear me out first... some people are smarter than others. u know that. let say, if u have a hundred friends, a few of them are obviously a lot sharper than the rest of the bunch & a few are obviously not. it doesn't mean they aren't nice people, it doesn't mean u don't like them, it just means that they aren't quite as quick on the uptake as the rest. they are the group that needs a little help, they are the ones who sometimes or most of the times say some pretty dumb things, right? maybe a little embarrassing sometimes? yeah, u know what i mean.

so what happens when one of your posts catches fire and a bunch of people u've never seen before coming flying in to read it? well again, obviously some of those people are smarter than others. and some are not. the dumb ones leave dumb comments. wait... i know what ur gonna say... yes, it's true that the smart ones leave smart comments, so it sort of balances off, doesn't it? well.. not for me, no. u see, the crowd who visits and comments here regularly already is smart. their comments are sharp, enjoyable and sometimes pretty darn funny. i enjoy those people. but when a boatload of new folks stop in and a few of them drop off inane and truly dumb comments, it feels almost like uninvited guests at a party. who wants these jerks? i don't.

and i'm not talking about criticism. because, i know the difference between constructive criticism from.. let say, intentional, blatantly, impolite comments. when u go up to someone & throw on verbal insults, and then go hiding behind the bushes, what does that reflect upon u? yes u? a coward who leaves dumb comments & hides behind anonymity. yup, that' what u are. and as united as we are already, the only thing that u may have succeeded is making us realize that we're here to stay. we won't change our flavour & our personal contribution to the blog just for the sake of making u happy. and yeah... ur a hater. and people don't get haters unless their huge!! so, if ur a smart person, i think u won't have any difficulties working out the rest of the equation don't u? or should i make it more obvious.. dumb a@@

-ilman aiman-

3 kritikus:

Anonymous said...

Hi,Usah berduka dikritik dek anon yang entah jenis apa. Dalam dunia ni ada 4 jenis manusia:
1) Insan yang tahu, tetapi tidak tahu bahawa dia tahu; Itulah orang yang lalai. Oleh itu, berilah mereka peringatan
2) Insan yang tidak tahu dan tidak tahu bahawa dia tidak tahu;itulah orang yang bodoh dan degil. Oleh itu tinggalkan mereka.
3) Insan yang tidak tahu dan tahu bahawa dia tidak tahu; itulah orang yang jahil. Oleh itu, ajarlah dia.
4) Insan yang tahu dan tahu bahawa dia tahu;itulah orang yang berilmu. Oleh itu ikutilah mereka
Analisalah anon ini dan ambillah tindakan sewajarnya. Jika kurang pasti, layari http://www.usahberduka,blogspot.com
Semoga berjaya.

ilman aiman said...

thank u for the enlightening us.

Wahidah said...

ignore kan jer..definitely that anon tk de keje..tu yg cr keje..huhuhu...