When I grow up.. I wannabe a Dr.

Five guys. Malaysians. Once medical students. Once stuck in a house in Summerstown Cork. NOW all Doctors, going separate ways. What will they be up to?? ish macam macam.....

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Monday, May 25

ameens random

cakap-cakap brainbarrier

guys i'll freaking miss u all for sure!

sweet. my stay here's gonna end pretty soon!

my mom & dad... thanks for everythin'! u guys rock!

di kedai kamera..

just nak intro - my dad's a prof at INCIEF - dr saiful azhar, & my mom's an assoc prof/lecturer in UIA - dr faridah yusof. and yang cute tu saya la - ameen-

congrats to my frens whove passed. Yang akan pass nanti, all the best and dont worry, i feel you. ujian datang awal maka awal lah korang belajar bangkit dari ujian.

till then

2 kritikus:

Wahidah said...

congrats to all of u...its great..

Zulkifli Zahir said...


tahniah kat korang yg pass..buat kerjer baik2 yer nanti..jgn malas2/ponteng2 dah..heheh.. ;)

buat korg yg akan blk ke msia, mintak maap zahir batin kalo ader salah silap yer..termakan terminum termengumpat...halal makan minum ok..ader rezeqi insyaAllah kiter jumper di msia...
