This week is my last week doing Obstetrics and Gynaegology rotation.
It has been 6 weeks of me seeing pregnant people and listening to women talking about their medical and not so medical problems.
These few weeks also opened my eyes to how far people are willing to suffer in order to reproduce and have their own flesh and blood child.
Seeing live births were not pleasant but it taught me the value of how much trouble your mother has gone through for you.
Not only they have to suffer carrying you for 9 months, but then have to nurture and look after you until you move out of their houses.
Our mothers went through a lot from when we were just small fetuses until we are grown men and women(and they still wouldn't stop worrying bout you).
Dr. C once said to us, "being pregnant/having birth is a dangerous thing to do." Come to think of it, it is kind of true.. u can have serious problems being pregnant such as pre-eclampsia, eclampsia, post-partum haemorrhage, gestational diabetes, amniotic fluid embolism, and many others that can threaten your life. not to mention many other emotional turmoils u may have if there's any problem with your baby.. 9 months is a long long time for your mother to be worried about you. Then there's the problems you may face when giving birth, all that pain and suffering during childbirth.. its considered one of the most painful thing you can encounter in your lifetime. No wonder Allah promised Heaven for mothers that dies during childbirth and considered syahid.
Being in the labour rooms i saw mothers who didn't take any epidurals for their birth, how they were in so much pain that they screamed for the midwives to just "pull the baby out of there" and some were in so much pain,sorry to say, even to the extend of defecation.. but once the baby comes out, its the most magical thing you can observe.
So, whats my point here rambling on and on about this? well, we all know how much our mother's have sacrificed for us rite? i'm sure most of us are well aware of this.
The point is:
- how often have we thanked our mothers for all that they have done?
- how often do we call or text our mothers just to ask how they are or are they in good health?
- how often do we pray for our mothers(and fathers) wellbeing after our Solah?
- how often we apologise to our mothers for our wrongdoings, raising our voices to them or going against their wishes?
We are far far away from our families, and how often do we think and worry about our mothers? I can bet, our mothers are worried about us all the time(mostly)
So anyone reading this, go ahead. Call your mothers, or text them asking how are they doing, saying that you love them, and pray for them in your daily prayers.
the last text i got from my mom today: OK selamat belajar...jgn abaikan sembahyang tu.
Alhamdulillah..i have a great MOM. her name is Eshah Bt Ahmad
Ibu mithali ibu yang sejati
Kasih sayangmu kasih yang suci
Pengorbananmu disanjung tinggi
Jasamu tetap di sanubari
Ibu oh ibu fitrah ku murni
Kelembutanmu menyentuh hati
Semai kasihmu dalam jiwaku
Kau disayangi kerana menyayangi
Ibu oh ibu hatimu suci
Tulus ikhlasmu mendidik daku
Sanggup bersusah dan menderita
Demi kebahagiaan sekeluarga
Ibu oh ibu kau serikandi
Bakti amalmu tidak terperi
Beramal soleh berperibadi
Mentaati Allah juga suami
yours truly