Selamat Hari Raya Maaf Zahir Batin.
I am now back in Cork. 2 weeks in Malaysia is simply not enough. but i am thankful that I got a chance to go back for Eid.
This Eid was special. spent time with friends and family. In a very short time, I tried to see and meet as much as possible.
As always, here is a video of my raya in kampung Perlis.
In this video there are me, my sister, my brother, and my cousins.
Izad Iskandar
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it's difficult enough to focus and concentrate.. it's easy enough for you to make mistake.. the threshold for anger and madness is very very low.. and most of the time things don't go your way..
but then again, the tiredness is mainly in the mind.. and to be honest, sometimes the stuffs above (in the previous para) are just excuses.. keep approaching things/jobs with positive mental attitude.. with passion.. with excitement.. with clean heart lungs liver etc2...
and something to ponder: quoted from the movie "save the last dance" = "the only person you need to be is yourself"
salam aidilfitri,
thu sep24th2009 2200
Selamat hari raya aidilfitri dan eid Mubarak kepada semua, serta Salam 1malaysia.
It is 1245 midnight. And I am just After arriving back in SHah ALam.
This raya was amazing.
Good night, hope you had a good raya.
Yg berpuasa dan beraya penuh,
Izad Iskandar
had to cover one of my colleagues for long hours tonight.. it was reasonably ok today.. busy yet able to relax.. and will be working over the w/end as well.. and i am expecting loads of d/c tomorrow..
selamat hari raya aidilfitri everyone.. maaf zahir batin..
ramadhan 27/28 1430
thu sep 17th 2009
Dulu masa skolah time nak semayang berjemaah, imam akan cakap, saaafff.. lurus dan rapatkan saf. penuhkan ruang2 yg kosong. maka ruang2 yg kosong pun dipenuhi. mase kat surau smayang terawih and masjid mase smayang jumaat haritu dah beberapa kali aku perhati ruang2 saf yg kosong tak dipenuhkan. org blakang tgk ada kosong depan tanak masuk, org yg tepi tanak rapat2kan. so terbiarlah ruang kosong itu.
you are most likely to get everything right.. and watch your ego.. sometimes tolerance is the best solution..
thu sep10th2009 2215
salam u all!
im now at golden straits village beach resort PD (sounds exotic) ....a budget hotel hehehe. Tgh nak habis btn/induction. Doctors here are mostly from ukraine, russia, indonesia...+ ireland (me), UK, canada and newzealand. wow sume aku tak kenal hahahaha. but on the first day i met a bunch of great ukraine grad doctors, very friendly la (pictures in my facebook). one of them is posted to hosp selayang as well...oh yea ive been posted there. starting my rotation on the 14th. the timing is noot gooood.. i think i wont be celebrating raya with my family for another year.
im feeling great and excited. wish me luck.
Izad Iskandar
So it has been approximately 1 month in ObsGynae. 3 weeks of tagging in labour room and now i'm in the antenatal ward. Labour room was fun.lots of action. branak sana sini, C-sect sana sini, fetal distress, poor progress.. auntie2 staff nurse sume baik2 n very helpful. buka posa sama2, bagi makan banyak2. so it was stressful but fun. dah on-call 3 kali 3-3 mmg takda tdo(well 1 tu dapat tdo sejam lebe). in the wards its a whole new story. i'm still a bit slow and getting the hang of it. jenuh nak igt semua patient and jobs to do what not. some colleagues are helpful, some would just leave you for dry. nak mintak tolong pandai tapi kita die takmau tolong. sheesh. Being nice to the nurses helps a lot. especially when you forget bout things and they would remind you. so far so good. hope no blunders come my way.fuh fuh..
anyways, blog ni nampaknye has only 3 writers left. yg lagi 2 tu apa cita pun taktau.. well. tanak tulis sudaa... tiada paksaan.
guys, wait for my card raya k? ciao.
in everything we do, there has to be the first time.. "first-timer".. "never done that before" would almost always result in to do things first time.. and in general most people would remember "the first" rather than the 2nd , 3rd or subsequent ones..
so as opposed to the previous entry, when was the first time?? or in some other context, when will be the first time??
thu sep3rd2009 2200