When I grow up.. I wannabe a Dr.

Five guys. Malaysians. Once medical students. Once stuck in a house in Summerstown Cork. NOW all Doctors, going separate ways. What will they be up to?? ish macam macam.....

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Sunday, November 2


cakap-cakap shahied

I love to cook (eventho not an expert)

I never cooked before i came here

I rarely cook when i'm in Malaysia for the holidays

So i felt like cooking for dinner today and so this is what i cooked

(saying cook so many times feels weird)

Tomyam ayam+broccoli+cendawan msia mari+cili roket

enak dimakan bersama nasik

ayam bakar

tukang2 makan+ameen kt blakang aiman

6 kritikus:

ilman aiman said...

shahied - hands down the best cook in the house =D

Anonymous said...

kalau aku tau gambar tu masuk sini, aku dah tolak aiman ke tepi huhu

maestronine said...

gambar tuh proportionate dgn the amount of masakan yg dimakan.. ko x mkn langsung ke ameen??

Wahidah said...

looks yummy la cendawan butang tu.....hehehe....

lynn afandie said...

hahaha..komen nik kelakar! Tulah...shittake tu rasanya mcm sangat menarik..bagus betul org bg idea bawak tu kan? Hehe.

Shahid the best cook in the house ke?? Bakal housewife yg baik ni.

theclumsydoctor said...

die nk promote tu lynndatt, nk mintak turun sikit 30k tu, hehehe.