When I grow up.. I wannabe a Dr.

Five guys. Malaysians. Once medical students. Once stuck in a house in Summerstown Cork. NOW all Doctors, going separate ways. What will they be up to?? ish macam macam.....

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Friday, March 6

things to do before i turn 25

cakap-cakap ilman aiman

since i'm turning 25 next month *hint*hint* then what the hell..

  1. i would love to be debt free. u see, i spend a lot and buy a lot of things that i seldom use. i use my cards like almost every time i go out. damn those impulse purchases!!
  2. i hope i can get better grades. if i get grades like this when i was in high school, i'll probably shoot myself and die. it is embarrassing. but knowing that i'm in final med and at least a third of the class is getting more or less the same grade, then it's a bit comforting.
  3. i honestly feel that i need to learn how to play at least an instrument. in my eyes, musicians are sexy!! my brothers play the drum and the guitar. my sister is a good pianist. and me, unfortunately.. i'm musically challenged.
  4. i really need to be in love, like seriously dangerously to die for in love. get dumped. and fall in love again with a better girl and this time, we're going steady baby. it's all about the right timing. past encounters are of no use. i walked away too early
  5. i know Liverpool has a slim to nil chance of winning the premier league. but i hope MU will not win it either. it's so annoying seeing them taking it all. i know i'm betting againts the odds here. and even if they do win the league, i hope they'll lose on other encounters.
  6. i need to brush up on my presentation skill. i'm amazed at some of my peers who are very fluid in their delivery. sometimes, it doesn't really matter what u say but how u say it is more important. me... i talk too fast when i'm nervous. that isn't good.
  7. i wish i can just go out there, take the next plane and go to somewhere exotic. but surely, in the right state of mind, this isn't possible.
  8. this is all that i can think about right now. it's 10 at night and i'm hungry. so there..
having said all of these, i know, when i turn 25, most probably i'll ended up not doing the things that i've mentioned above. so, why bother jotting it down then? just for the fun of it i guess plus to fill up some empty gaps in between my next entry. :)

8 kritikus:

Anonymous said...

you are good enough. if u try harder, then you'll be great. ikhlas ni

ilman aiman said...

awww... thanks!

Anonymous said...

owh..have u ever heard of this quote? :
“Making resolutions is a cleansing ritual of self-assessment and repentance that demands personal honesty and, ultimately, reinforces humility. Breaking them is part of the cycle.”

Anonymous said...

aku respek ko nye no.1...being debt free. tapi susah la kalau takde rumah and kereta tiba2 nak debt free.
ramai org tak terpikir lagi part nak jadi debt-free ni..kudos

Witty Angel said...

i really need to be in love, like seriously dangerously to die for in love. get dumped. and fall in love again with a better girl and this time, we're going steady baby. it's all about the right timing. past encounters are of no use. i walked away too early >>>Hahaha..yang ni kelaka.hahaha

Anonymous said...

man, tak nak balik kajang ker before ko 25? leh celebrate skali

ilman aiman said...

this entry is meant for friday, so aku kasi up sikit ya...

wan wan wan, jumpamu di kajang nanti!!

Wahidah said...

sokong ngan aina...huhuhu...btol tu blk kajang...leh celebrate bufday jt suni....:p