When I grow up.. I wannabe a Dr.

Five guys. Malaysians. Once medical students. Once stuck in a house in Summerstown Cork. NOW all Doctors, going separate ways. What will they be up to?? ish macam macam.....

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Monday, March 30

The Man Rules

cakap-cakap brainbarrier

The Man Rules

The Man Rules
At last a guy has taken the time to write this all down

Finally, the guys' side of the story.
I must admit, it's pretty good.)
We always hear
"the rules"
From the female side.

Now here are the rules from the male side.

These are our rules!
Please note. these are all numbered "1"

1. Men are NOT mind readers.

1. Learn to work the toilet seat.
You're a big girl. If it's up, put it down.
We need it up, you need it down.
You don't hear us complaining about you leaving it down.

1. Sunday sports. It's like the full moon
or the changing of the tides.
Let it be.

1. Crying is blackmail.

1. Ask for what you want.
Let us be clear on this one:
Subtle hints do not work!
Strong hints do not work!
Obvious hints do not work!
Just say it!

1. Yes and No are perfectly acceptable answers to almost every question.

1. Come to us with a problem
only if you want help solving it. That's what we do.
Sympathy is what your girlfriends are for.

1. Anything we said 6 months ago is inadmissible in an argument.
In fact, all comments become Null and void after 7 Days.

1. If you think you're fat, you probably are.
Don't ask us.

1. If something we said can be interpreted two ways and one of the ways makes you sad or angry, we meant the
other one

1. You can either ask us to do something
Or tell us how you want it done.
Not both.
If you already know best how to do it, just do it yourself..

1. Whenever possible, Please say whatever you have to say during commercials.

1. Christopher Columbus did NOT need directions and neither do we.

1. ALL men see in only 16 colors, like Windows default settings.
Peach, for example, is a fruit, not
A color. Pumpkin is also a fruit. We have
no idea what mauve is.

1. If it itches, it will be scratched.
We do that.

1. If we ask what is wrong and you say "nothing," We will act like nothing's wrong.
We know you are lying, but it is just not worth the hassle.

1. If you ask a question you don't want an answer to, Expect an answer you don't want to hear.

1. When we have to go somewhere, absolutely anything you wear is fine.

1. Don't ask us what we're thinking about unless you are prepared to discuss such topics as baseball or
motor sports

1. You have enough clothes.

1. You have too many shoes.

1. I am in shape.
Round IS a shape!

1. Thank you for reading this.
Yes, I know, I have to sleep on the couch tonight;

But did you know men really don't mind that? It's like camping.

Pass this to as many men as you can -
to give them a laugh.

Pass this to as many women as you can -to give them a bigger laugh.

Sunday, March 29


cakap-cakap izadiskandar

Entry kali ini akan ditulis dalam bahasa malaysia.
26 hb mac 2009 - 9pagi.
8:15am - Hari ini bermula dengan presentation kelab jurnal di bilik latihan pranatal.
Topic kali ini adalah kajian CLASP. Aku mempunyai lebih tenaga hari ini berbanding hari lain, dan lebih aktif bertanyakan soalan.

Setelah selesai presentation tersebut, aku, H dan K naik ke wad M3 untuk mencari konsultan S untuk wad bulat pagi (morning ward round).

Setibanya aku di sana, seorang doktor Peads nampak aku dan terus menuju ke arah saya. lalu bertanyakan soalan " Are u malaysian?" Aku tersenyum.

"Proudly", kataku. Kami semua tersenyum. "Ok mari ikut saya" katanya.

Aku pun ikut dia sepanjang koridor wad hingga tiba di depan sebuah pintu bilik wad. Di situ ada "isteripertengahan"(midwife), konsultan Peadiatrics dan juga beberapa doktor lain, rata rata dalam 6 orang semuanya.

Konsultan itu berkata padaku "Breaking bad news...."

Langsung air mukaku berubah.

"Saya perlukan kamu untuk menjadi kata alih suara (translator) untuk saya"

Aku berkerut kening. Hah??

Terpikir sebentar - 'translate bahasa amende? aku bukannya tahu bahasa lain..'

Dia sambung lagi. "Pesakit ini adalah malaysian chinese, tidak berapa fasih dalam bahasa Inggeris, dan kami akan beritahu berita "terminal"", katanya.

Terdetik hatiku - 'Aiseyman, ni berat ni. Berat.....'

"Okay, I can help." Kataku, sambil cuba sembunyikan kerisauanku dengan senyuman.

Dengan perasaan tak sedap hati, tak termasuk berdebar, aku lapangkan otak dari semua anggapan senario tentang apa mungkin telah berlaku.

Aku tak mahu pengetahuan dan anggapan perubatanku mengganggu proses alihbahasa yang adil.

Pintu di ketuk, dan kami pun masuk.

Dalam bilik itu kelihatan seorang wanita berbangsa cina berusia sekitar 35 tahun sedang duduk diatas katil berpakaian pyjamas, bersama seorang jururawat yang menjaganya. Bilik itu sederhana besarnya, selesa buat sorang pesakit. Cahaya matahari pagi menyinari masuk melalui tingkap besar di sebelah katil.

Dia tengok kami satu persatu. Dia tengok aku, kemudian doktor lain, kemudianku lagi, dua tiga kali, cuba meneka siapa aku ini.

Konsultan itu pun bersuara. "Selamat pagi, apa khabar puan P?, cukup tido malam semalam? sudah makan pagi?", dalam bahasa Inggeris. Puan P senyum dan angguk "yes".

Lalu Aku pun memperkenalkan diriku dalam bahasa Inggeris "Hello, saya Izad, salah satu junior doctors di sini" dan salam tangannya.
Secara langsungnya aku bertanya dalam bahasa Malaysia "Puan paham bahasa Malaysia tak?" Mukanya bersinar, dan senyum lebar, bagaikan lega melihat seangkatan warganegara sama. "ya, pahamm..."

"Apa khabar puan?"

"Ok, tak sakit sangat...", sambil senyum.

Dia nampak seperti orang yang sangat selesa berbahasa Malaysia berbanding Inggeris, mungkin berasal dari bahagian luarbandar Malaysia.

Aku berpaling ke konsultan, lalu berkata dalam bahasa Inggeris, "Yes, saya paham dia, dan dia paham saya. Boleh proceed"

Konsultan angguk dan terus berkata, "Beginilah puan p, seperti yang puan tahu, bayi puan lahir sangat awal, 24 minggu sahaja.

Dan semalam selepas kami C-section puan, bayi puan dibawa terus ke neonatal ward untuk dirawat"

Konsultan tengok saya, Lalu saya translate kata-katanya ke bahasa Malaysia (seperti diatas).

Puan P angguk mengerti. "ok, jadi?"

"ok and?", aku alihbahsa kembali.

Konsultan pun kata, "Sekarang ini keadaan bayi puan makin melarat, kami lihat ada pendarahan otak dalam kepalanya"
Setelah dialihbahasa, Puan P berkata, "Tapi, bagaimana keadaannya hari ini berbanding semalam?"
Konsultan membalas, "Keadaannya semakin teruk, pendarahannya semakin banyak, dan ini memberi kesan pada otak, buah pinggang, dan paru parunya". Aku alihbahasa setepat mungkin.

Puan P toleh padaku lantas bertanya, "Tak ada apa apa ke yang doktor boleh buat??".
Aku tengok pada Konsultan,"Is there anything you can do, doctor?"

Konsultan berkata, "Maaf puan. Bayi puan sangat muda, paru parunya tidak cukup kuat untuk bernafas, buah pinggangnya sudah tidak berfungsi, dan otaknya berdarah. Kami rasa lebih baik kami berhentikan 'ventilator' dan beri kan masanya untuk meninggal dunia dalam dukungan puan daripada meninggal di dalam ventilator"

Ayat yang panjang lebar itu aku 'digest' sebentar, lalu mula translatekan perkataan demi perkataan kepada Puan P yang terpaku mendengar, di hadapan 5 doktor dan jururawat lain..

Taat ku mengutarakan perkataan "meninggal dunia", bagai tak disangka, Puan P beku. Matanya bergenang, airmata menitis turun ke pipi. Setiap titisan dirasa setiap insan yg berada di dalam bilik itu.

Suasana senyap sepi.

Dengan suara sebak serak pilu, dia berkata "Doktor, tolonglah. Tak ada apa apa ke yang doktor boleh buat? keluarkan lah darah itu, bagilah ubat. Baikkan dia balik doktor. Tolong lah...."
She looked at me... Clearly trying to find help... clearly wanted to be given hope. HOPE.
Anything to make this better. Anything to clear this surreal news away.

And I translate it. Word by word.

Konsultan tu pun kata, "Maaf puan, tapi kami dah buat apa yang termampu.... eloklah puan telefon suami puan,..... minta datang ke sini untuk jumpa bayi puan kali terakhir", dan toleh padaku.

Aku mula translate, Puan P tengok mataku bagai cuba meneka perkataan seterusnya. Mukanya sungguh terdesak. Sebak dan terdesak. Bagai ibu yang mencari dimana anaknya. Terdesak nak mencari harapan untuk anaknya. Fighting for a life she shared 24 weeks with.

For the last time", kalau di alihbahasa jadi 'Terakhir'. Aku tersekat di perkataan tu. Terkedu lidah. Otak tak dapat cari perkataan lain. Yang lebih lembut, yang lebih indah, yang lebih selesa didengar.

Tak sampai hati nak ucapkan perkataan tu kepada Puan P. Tapi aku cakap jua.
Lagi berat mata memandang lagi berat bahu memikul.

Clearly that word brought her world crashing down.

Tangisan raungan seorang ibu mengenangkan nasib anaknya yang akan ditamatkan hayatnya dalam beberapa jam lagi. Anaknya sudah cacat, dan akan dipotong talian hayatnya, buat selamanya. Terpisah dari ibunya..... apalah nasibnya.

"Sebentar lagi kami akan bawa kan kerusi roda, dan puan dapat pergi ke bawah untuk jumpa anak puan"

Dia hanya mampu angguk. Tunduk sepi tak bermaya. Bagai tak ada hidup lagi baginya. Airmata bergenang, banjir titis ke katil.

Aku senyum simpati... Konsultan bagi insyarat. Kami keluar dari bilik itu. Biarkan dia sedikit masa.

<;">Semua doktor, jururawat dan midwife mengeluh.

"Well done izad"

"Dia ni sampai semalam, PROM, membran dia pecah awal, 24 minggu. Kami buat c-section malam tu, babynya develop intraventricular hemorhage, steroid pun tak dapat bertindak untuk paru paru. The chances untuk baby dia normal sangat rendah. Kalau kita teruskan ventilator, mahal, dan baby tu tetap akan mati, atau pun cacat seumur hidup, jadi memang right decision ni, untuk semua pihak."

Aku pun angguk. melenguh.

What a start of the day.

Thursday, March 26

missing those days..

cakap-cakap maestronine

i really2 do.. i would lie to myself if i say the opposite.. playing competitive rugby etc2.. if only i have the ability to turn back time.. rewind the injury.. it's very frustrating when you see the lads running on the pitch.. swinging and kicking the ball.. sidestepping the opponent.. up and under, dummy, "mark!!!", ruck and maul, aim high tackle low.. missing those terms..

ppl always say there must be "hikmah" behind all these things that happened to us.. i agree.. but deep down, it's really sad.. honestly, i can cry when i do think about it.. those moments of glory.. the day when i got injured etc..

witnessing the joy and excitement of the irish.. when their heroes have ended the 61 years wait for winning the grand slam of six nations, has inspired me to some degree.. they are living legends!! winning to me is everything.. although i still can accept occasional and rare losses haha..

and i believe in "live the moment, don't brag and dwell too much on your past".. your past is just a stepping stone for further success and glory.. i would love to make a comeback.. i mean a real comeback.. if given a chance.. i will definitely give it a go..

thu mar26th2009 1935

Wednesday, March 25

Prostate Cancer etc

cakap-cakap shahied

Urology outpatients dept today.
I was a bit late bcoz had a bedside tutorial looking at different kind of drains, wounds and stuff.
So when i got there, there was already this 4th med girl there inside with the consultant.
The consultant then said that he can only have one student with him so told us to decide who should stay and who should go with his registrar instead.
I looked at her and she doesn't seem like she wants to budge/give up the oppoturnity to sit in with the consultant so i volunteered. Well, i don't blame her. We threw them out earlier for the bedside teaching because it would be too big of a group if they joined in as well(we politely said, shooh shooh ;p)
The registrar wasn't bad at all. He explained all his patients problem and management and delighted to take questions.
A few of the patients had prostate cancer diagnosed. So here are the few things that i could remember from the top of my head.

Prostate Cancer

Presentation: Can be asymptomatic, found incidentally usually on PSA testing or digital rectal examination
(all the patient that had the diagnosis today were incidental findings)
Those with symptoms can include: frequency, nocturia, dribbling, incontinence.
Those that present late could have: loss of weight, bony pain(due to metastasis)

So the usual story is they would usually have got PSA testing which showed increase PSA level.
Next they would have a DRE(digital rectal examination) to feel their prostate gland.
Then they would have a TRUS(transrectal ultrasound) guided biopsy
The sample would be examined histologically to see if there is cancer or not.

So it happens the prostate biopsy showed prostate cancer. Usually adenocarcinoma. What next?
First option is of course surgery. Removal of the prostate. But not everyone is suitable for surgery.
These are the criteria for undergoing surgery:
1. Age <65
2. PSA level <10
3. Gleason Score <6
4. No/minimal medical comorbidity

For those who are not suitable for surgery, hormonal treatment and radiotherapy is the next option.
Hormonal therapy usually involves:
1. 4 week course of antiadrogen injection (Casodex)
2. 2 course of LHRH analog (Eligard) every 6 month lifelong. (Apparently he said that Goserelin is not used here in Cork)
They will then be monitored every 6 month for their PSA level. Radiotherapy option can be done if they want it.

So thats about it that i could remember.


So i finally saw something i never have seen before today. 
Port wine stain associated with Sturge Weber syndrome, in Urology clinic.
This lady actually came in with problem of incontinence. Just so happens that she has Sturge Weber Syndrome.
True the saying that once you see one, you never forget one.
Sturge Weber syndrome or its longer name Encephalotrigeminal Angiomatosis is Port Wine Staining usuall around the trigeminal distribution associated with contralateral focal seizures(due to angimomas in the brain), glaucoma and learning disabilities. She's taking detrusitol for the bladder, and as you might know, it is an anticholinergic which can exacerbate glaucoma(another good learning point). Apparently, thats the only anticholinergic that doesn't cause problem with her glaucoma.why?i don't know.

baby with port wine stain

hope you guys learnt something. 


Sunday, March 22

2.19 am

cakap-cakap shahied

Wahai tuhan,
Aku tak layak masuk syurgamu,
Namun tak pula aku sanggup ke nerakamu,
Ampunkan dosa dan terimalah taubatku,
Sesungguhnya engkaulah pengampun dosa-dosa besar,
Dosa-dosaku bagaikan pepasir dipantai,
Dengan rahmatmu ampunkan daku,
Oh tuhanku,
Wahai tuhan,
Selamatkan kami ini,
Dari segala kejahatan dan kecelakaan,
Kami takut kami harap kepadamu,
Suburkanlah cinta kami kepadamu,
Kamilah hamba yang berharap belas darimu.


Saturday, March 21

Now its time to FOCUS

cakap-cakap izadiskandar

With around one month before exam, its time to focus on the things at hand, like what my camera is doing - focusing on the dining table instead of mama yang baru balik kerja.

The moral of the story is. FOCUZ!!

Friday, March 20
cakap-cakap ilman aiman

i want something else to get me through this semi charmed kinda life....

Thursday, March 19

sporting updates..

cakap-cakap maestronine

hmm where to start eh?? ok first and foremost, well done to dato' lee chong wei for a sweet revenge against lin dan in swiss open 2009.. a straight set win kept dato' his 1st world ranking spot..

moving on to the new rules by fia.. where we will see the driver's championship decided by race wins rather than points accumulated in a season.. i think this is completely ridiculous.. most if not all are against this new regulation..

talking about my all-time favourite manchester united.. haihhh.. a very poor performance at home to liverpool.. losing home and away.. so painful to swallow.. on both occasions, man u led and scored the first goal but in the end, liverpool had the last laugh.. last year, if i'm not mistaken, we lost back to back to arsenal home and away.. and yet the premier league title was still ours.. i hope the same will happen this year.. life goes on.. for us to bounce back and restart our winning form.. all the best!!

yeahhh indian wells is on the air.. c'mon mr. federer.. proof to the world that you are still capable of winning tournaments.. he will meet fernando verdasco.. mr. verdasco is a tough lad.. if he plays the way he played in australian open, it will definitely be a great match to watch.. the winner will potentially meet andy murray, considering that mr. murray wins his matches as well, in the semi-final.. best of luck the living legend RF..

this week is the final week of the six nations 2009.. ireland vs. wales.. to decide the tournament champion.. the last time ireland won a grand slam was back in 1948.. grand slam means you win all your fixtures.. while wales had lost to france, they are still going for the triple crown.. you have to beat your 3 opponents to win the triple crown and this "title" is open for grab only for england, ireland, scotland and wales.. to win the six nations, wales will have to win by at least 13 points margin against ireland.. can they stop the irish 61 years' drought of winning the grand slam?? k.o. at 5pm eire time this saturday march 21st.. best of luck irish lads!!

ooo yeahhh.. tiger woods had already make a comeback into the world golf arena after a long rest and rehab, post cruciate ligament surgery.. although not yet at his best, he definitely will in his next 18-hole course.. welcome back mr. woods!!

thu mar19th 2009 1915

Wednesday, March 18

12 hours

cakap-cakap shahied

Got out of the house around 730am
Got back in the house around 730pm
got to masak some more... pity my children if i don't cook they would starve..
so masak2 some ayam masak kicap.. its been a while since i cook one of my fav dishes..

my eyes could hardly stay open during the tutorial this evening.. as i was in the direct line of fire for our surgeon i just had to bear..pretending to be interested in the anatomy and disease of the oesophagus.. or as he likes to call the gullot.

the whole day wasn't that bad though..
although he stood us up at 12, making us wait for an hour for him.. well, what to do? a surgeon's got to do what a surgeon's got to do..
the outpatient clinic was particularly nice.. a good mixture of cases i would say.
got one who came in for a follow up post pancreatectomy(buang pancreas) due to a neuroendocrine tumour, insulinoma. its one of those rare one in a million cases(read:OIAM). if not mistaken can be part of the MEN-1 syndromes consisting of 3 p's, PARATHYROID, PANCREAS, and PITUITARY tumor..
he was previously admitted a few times to hospital but nobody could quite find out what was wrong with him until the brilliant neurologist that is Dr Harrington diagnosed him. 

Highlight of the day was with a granny called makcik Dot. She came in with her daughter. the were from South Africa and their accent was very easing on the ears i must say.very2 polite.
as i stood next to her on the examination bed, waiting for the nurse to come and dress her up, we chatted.
she said, "you look terribly young to be a doctor"
i said blushingly, "really? i'm not that young you know"
she replied, "no, really, you look almost too young"
"no way, i'm 25 years old you know" i told her with a big smile.
"reaallllyyy? you look like you're 18!"
awww, makcik Dot, thats too flattering. i know i look young eventho inside my ovums are slowly degenerating (hahahaha!)

So there you go, empirical evidence to actually prove that i am indeed, EIGHTEEN friggin years old =p

peace out!

Tuesday, March 17

Girls. this is it right here.

cakap-cakap izadiskandar

ive read a blog of a malaysian girl in ireland writing about WHY MEN GET MARRIED> and sum of her points do raise some truth.

being the mr video i am, i dig up youtube, and found this VERY INTERESTING video. EVERYONE SHOULD WATCH THIS.

What do u think?
Go on, i wanna know. betul ke?

and one more. tuesday = ameen

Monday, March 16

Points of view.

cakap-cakap izadiskandar



-Izad Iskandar- aka Mr Monday

Sunday, March 15

I love him. mmmmm Cadbury.

cakap-cakap izadiskandar

enough said. I (heart) him.

(my fav song off his album) - I dedicate this song to 3 awesome girls = milah, aju, n Aina

The notes that he can reach = awesome. Best voice out there. amazing live performance. Did I tell u I (heart) him? anyhow - heres my fav advert for the mo.

and lastly....

"Life's too short for all seriousness, take time & laugh at yourself.. you'll feel good after!"

Saturday, March 14

White and Yellow. Its all in a skin’s deep.

cakap-cakap izadiskandar

Caucasian. Whites. Orang putih. Whatever you call it. They are the ones with relatively more pale skin than ours. Largely originated from mainland Europe.

Asian. Yellows. Orang Asia. Whatever you call it. They are the ones with darker with slightly brownish/yellowish tinge but less dark than people of African origin.

Now, why would I bring this potentially racist / controversial factoid up for discussion?

IT has to my attention that there is a reveling trend of Asians being attracted to Caucasian. And this is fair and fine. But unfortunately there are less Caucasian that find Asians attractive.

This issue is very uncomfortable for me. Discussing color as I have a firm believe that all are created equals, and thus should be treated as such. No one shall be judged by the amount of melanin pigments in their largest organ in their body (skin).

There are views out there that see the Caucasian (and the west) are of higher standards and are of superior race. Hence, a certain members of other cultures (example Asians) go out of their way to “get their hands on one”, disregarding their own kind. I am strongly begging to differ on that. I felt the media is hugely to blame for all this. The magazines, the movies and the television has successfully portrayed and slowly brainwashed the modern society into perceiving what should be termed beautiful.. and what is less beautiful.

What do you think? Would you look into colour before others?

This is very uncomfortable.

This means it is worth discussing.

Mr Monday on Saturday.

As always.. heres my Video of the day.

Friday, March 13
cakap-cakap ilman aiman

as strong as an ox but twice as intelligent. what is it?

Thursday, March 12

tgt friday..

cakap-cakap maestronine

fantabulous!! i like i like.. =D

thu mar 12th 2009 2045
-hari bayar sewa-

Wednesday, March 11

Self gratification

cakap-cakap shahied

So i was in the outpatients today..

patient after patient after patient..
it was already half 5 and i was already tuning off..
then came in this young man in his 30's
came in with a big hernia that he has been having since he was about 14/15 years...
so ok la kan... hernia, no big deal. 
then he told us (me and Mr.N our surgeon) that he is going to be admitted into hospital next week for an operation.
so tanye la kan what operation??
"oh, its to remove a foreign body in my bladder" he said. " i inserted a biro( a pen) into my urethra(salur kencing). i can still pee but its still sore".. like duhh~
mataku yg dah kuyu terbeliak.. terus segar.. i was like, what??? 
turned out that he did it on a few other occasion where even a pencil was inserted...
and Mr. N was questioning wether the hernia that he was having was due to a self inflicted cause as well as the radiology report on a scan of his testes show evidence of previous trauma.. but he vehemently denied doing anything to his balls, instead saying that he played football and probably got kicked there..

haiyoo... so wierd one.. pelik2... apparently he does it for some kind of self gratification/satisfaction..
me and Mr. N were dumbfounded and amazed as we looked at each other after he was gone.

Friday, March 6


cakap-cakap ilman aiman

i just feel nostalgic. this season was the only af season that i paid full attention to. i even adjusted my work shift so that i can catch the weekly concert.

n yeah, in this video, for no obvious reason, i just like to see hetty koes endang making the grand gestures @ minute 3.22. it's unexpected and cool. it makes me smirk.

things to do before i turn 25

cakap-cakap ilman aiman

since i'm turning 25 next month *hint*hint* then what the hell..

  1. i would love to be debt free. u see, i spend a lot and buy a lot of things that i seldom use. i use my cards like almost every time i go out. damn those impulse purchases!!
  2. i hope i can get better grades. if i get grades like this when i was in high school, i'll probably shoot myself and die. it is embarrassing. but knowing that i'm in final med and at least a third of the class is getting more or less the same grade, then it's a bit comforting.
  3. i honestly feel that i need to learn how to play at least an instrument. in my eyes, musicians are sexy!! my brothers play the drum and the guitar. my sister is a good pianist. and me, unfortunately.. i'm musically challenged.
  4. i really need to be in love, like seriously dangerously to die for in love. get dumped. and fall in love again with a better girl and this time, we're going steady baby. it's all about the right timing. past encounters are of no use. i walked away too early
  5. i know Liverpool has a slim to nil chance of winning the premier league. but i hope MU will not win it either. it's so annoying seeing them taking it all. i know i'm betting againts the odds here. and even if they do win the league, i hope they'll lose on other encounters.
  6. i need to brush up on my presentation skill. i'm amazed at some of my peers who are very fluid in their delivery. sometimes, it doesn't really matter what u say but how u say it is more important. me... i talk too fast when i'm nervous. that isn't good.
  7. i wish i can just go out there, take the next plane and go to somewhere exotic. but surely, in the right state of mind, this isn't possible.
  8. this is all that i can think about right now. it's 10 at night and i'm hungry. so there..
having said all of these, i know, when i turn 25, most probably i'll ended up not doing the things that i've mentioned above. so, why bother jotting it down then? just for the fun of it i guess plus to fill up some empty gaps in between my next entry. :)

Thursday, March 5


cakap-cakap maestronine

brrrrrrr.. the "winter" is still in the air.. snow in march, in eire is a rare thing.. eventhough no snowman could be seen, yesterday's weather gave me enough "trouble".. very very cold.. my shoes and stockings were wet.. i felt uncomfortable really.. and in mwrh, you hardly can see a dryer.. they use "paper tissue" here, whatever you call it.. would take a long time to dry stuffs.. on top of that, it was raining when i walked back home.. "typical" irish weather.. if only i have a car hehe.. otherwise, my day was quite relaxing.. less patients than usual to be seen during ward rounds.. and it means early lunch etc.. and man utd won again last night!! glory2..

courtesy of yahoo.com - sexy cars!! have a look.. "pat your chest, ask your appetite"

thu mar5th2009 0735

p/s sleep today, slept yesterday.. bleep today, but bleeped yesterday (blept??)

Wednesday, March 4

A quarter of a Century

cakap-cakap shahied

So i turned 25 today..

wow... thats old man.. that's a quarter of a century..
looking back, i tried to think what have i achieved since i was born..
there were good ones and there were bad ones.. but hey, i got here where i am now. do i wish i could be in a better place/condition.. not really, unless its heaven. i would love to have been better in everything that i have done, but i'm still grateful for the countless blessings that Allah has gave me. Alhamdulillah.

so here i am in my room thinking what my next quarter would be like.. and i'm really looking foward for the challenges to come.. 

of conversations. sometimes i can have a lot on my mind but fail to convey it verbally.. expressive dysphasia maybe. sometimes i can talk away without any problems. generally, i am a quiet guy. one registrar once told me that i am a shy guy but actually very smart. am i shy? my father once said that i talk as i have gold in my mouth..
true that is. i don't know why, but my voice register is normally in the lower sides. if i try to raise it, i would feel funny talking loudly.. ~byk kali dah kene marah sbb cakap perlahan sangat~

of being a doctor. so what kind of doctor would you want to be? a patient told me yesterday that of the many doctors that have come to see her since her 2 weeks in hospital, not one even bothered to introduce themselves. rude?not trying to get attached? u be the judge. they come in big groups, talk among themselves sometimes without even looking at her.rude?time chasing? u be the judge. She has an IV line put in at the elbow joint since she 1st came in.can't bend her elbows since. inconsiderate? u be the judge. so what kind of doctor DO you want to be? who knows.. this job has the ability to change people..

of random things. i am actually a 3rd born of the Hadzir family. I had twin sisters of which one died prematurely after born. i was born in a place named Klinik Al-Arqam. yes, Al-Arqam. My head was by far the biggest and the hardest to come out :) sorry mum. 


Sunday, March 1

Glory Glory

cakap-cakap shahied

March 2009.. mid season where the games come thick and fast.
Manchester United still on track chasing for 6, yes SIX trophies this season
3 are already in the bag

Charity Shield won at the start of the season

FIFA World Club Champions 

Latest addition Carling Cup won today

And hopefully FA Cup, Premier League, and Champions League to follow... ahh.. good times..